Onzuka Brothers'
Hall of Fame
Page 4

Some Miscellaneous Pictures of 1996

Our graduation from UH (see our bios for our degrees)
(L-R): Chris, Dr. Eric Moon, Wes Nakahodo, Scott & Scotty Devine, Rex Barnum, Mike, Kaleo Auwae

  Luckily for our parents, Chris and I happened to graduate college in the same semester. Our parents saved some money on one grad party. There are way too many people to name, but they are all Jiu-Jitsu guys.

(L-R): Mike, Caique Elias, Sam Mahi, Relson, Chris
Caique was Relson's highest ranking student before Relson left for America and has the honor of being called the best teacher other than the Gracie brothers by Professor Helio.

(L-R): John Machado, Mike, Jean Jacques Machado at their school in Redondo

Mike with Roger Machado inside the Redondo Academy

Mike with Rigan Machado
No jokes about the hair and the glasses. It's still a tender issue with me.

Luis Limao and Mike at Rickson's Santa Monica Academy. Limao used to be the head instructor at Rickson's Santa Monica academy, but now moved to Maui and opened a school.

"Sumo" Royce Gracie and Mike with a cardboard cut out at the Gracie Torrance Academy

(L-R): Mike, Relson, Wally Jay, Ron Ogi, Sam Mahi

Back Row (L-R): Rorion, Professor Helio, Kofi Debrah, Relson
Front Row: Chris, Sam Mahi, Scotty Devine, Mike

(L-R): Chris, Sam Mahi, Kofi Debrah, Scott Devine, Mike
We ate dinner at Ruth Chris Steak House and Dr. Eric Moon gave us a cat-like replica picture of us that he drew.

(L-R): Chris, Sam Mahi, Dr. Eric Moon, Kofi Debrah, Scott Devine, Mike
P.S. Eric loves us calling him Dr. heh heh. Check out Eric's hair, that will teach him.

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